Message from the University Librarian

Mr. Eric Keziron Oloo

University Librarian

Welcome to King Ceasor University (KCU) Library, a knowledge hub and home to the best study spots on campus. Our theme is; an automated and user-centered academic library services: A catalyst to academic excellence, research, and innovation. Thus, the library offers a multifaceted resources and services accessible both physically and remotely in support of the academic mission of the University.

The library also fosters collaboration with different KCU schools and departments in building a strong and relevant collections. In addition, KCU Library subscribes to the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL) for effective and efficient collaboration and resource sharing among university and institutional libraries in Uganda, which ensures access to, and use of state-of-the-art library resources and services. Please don’t hesitate to seek support from our librarians at all times. We shall always offer you professional library and information services, moreover with a smile.

Our Core Values

We ensure moral soundness and uphold intellectual honesty and ethical use of information.

We continuously seek new and creative ways to enhance library services and resources.

We treat all people with dignity and impartiality.

We support inventive teaching, learning, and research.

Who we are

How to access E-resouces remotely

  1. Download the MyLoft app from Playstore for android users or Appstore for iOS
  2. For Computers, install MyLoft extension in google chrome
  3. Under insitutuions, select Consortium of Uganda University Libraries, Uganda
  4. Login using the credentials received from the library

Frequently asked questions

Latest book arrivals

Visit the library reception to create an account and access library resources both on and off campus.

To access the university library catalogue, visit Library Catalogue